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Since we do the OEM/ODM for many famous brands, buying from us means you can grant access to quality goods from the same manufacturers as to good brands, at cost.

The reality of most brands:
When you buy from the brand, what do you buy? Brands usually used highly inflated prices to conclude their high promotion budget and to control who can buy their products.

Even those modern "direct-to-consumer" brands didn't reinvent the retail, which still charges high channel fees. Also, the brands still have to buy their products from a manufacturer, put their brand name on them, and sell it to you for way more than what they paid.

So how do we give people access to the best products at their true cost?

The answer turns out to be pretty easy; Take the brand out of the equation and give the power to those who create.

Welcome to take a look at Hygicare's new Bathroom Appliances and Commercial Plumbing Fixtures!

Touch Kitchen Electric Faucet

Touch Kitchen Electric Faucet

Instant Heated Smart Toilet Seat

Instant Heated Smart Toilet Seat

3IN1 Automatic Soap/Sanitizer Dispenser (Liquid/Spray/Foam type) CAPELO-20S

Capelo: 1500ml, 3 adjustable nozzles automatic multi-function soap dispenser (Liquid/Spray/Foam type)